March 8th Make Dating Dope Again Convo Replay

If you missed the live, you can catch it here. Fast forward to 2 hours and 19 minutes to watch us coach a woman having difficulty attracting the type of man she desires.

The 100 DOPE Women And Men Program Includes...

The Dating Is Dope Curriculum

Each week, you will learn a new aspect of this new dating methodology to help you heal from the past, love yourself in the present, and find divine partnership in the future.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Every week, Jullien, Rah, and Kazi will coach you as a group to help you navigate real-time real-world situations you are dealing with while dating. You can sign up to be in the hot seat and get coached live on your specific situation.

The 90-Day Dating Process

The challenge with traditional dating is the current process isn't working. We developed a 90-day dating process that will allow you to go within and do the necessary interwork to become ready for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Our program is designed to help you discover and understand yourself on a deeper level, so you can attract the right person and build a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

The DOPE Dating Workbook

This series of worksheets and tools will help you document your personal progress as well as track your alignment with potential partners.

A few of our Learning Objectives

Midway through the program, you'll learn how to magnetize your attraction and personal brand, understand your relationship wants and needs, practice healthy communication, and learn how to end something peacefully without damaging yourself or your partner.

Master Co-Teachers On Key
Relationship Skills & Tools

In addition to bringing on Black therapists to help you heal, we will have other master teachers to help you develop skills that are essential for a successful relationship like communication, conflict resolution, money management, time management, sex education, personal branding, and more.

2-Day Co-Ed In-Person Event

This event is your opportunity to meet other members and potential partners. We will cover a wide range of topics from body language, non-verbal communication, making a first impression, setting physical boundaries, and more. Plus you will receive personalized coaching and feedback from our team via role plays and other exercises.

Choose a Pricing Option

Got Questions?

Email [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the program and we will respond shortly. Thank you.